June 2, 1997



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The news media is brimming with the exploits of three male figures--Frank Gifford, Marv Albert, and Bill Clinton. The cases are fun to follow, in a nasty sort of way.

With Gifford, you have the golden boy caught (via video!!) in an extramarital affair. First you get a denial, and then you hear that he and Kathie Lee are in counseling, and Frank is repentant. I guess if he's repentant, he must have something to repent about. Fair enough. I look forward to the mocking signs in the football stadiums, and how ABC will try to hide them, during the up-coming football season.

For Marv Albert, the situation is more violent. If the woman is to be believed, she was bitten viciously, when she refused to perform oral sex. Who knows? Maybe she bit herself on the back. Again, there are the implausible denials.

You've got to hand it to NBC. They've done a great job (so far) of keeping the "Bite Me" signs off the screen.

For Bill Clinton, it's not as morbidly funny. Go ahead and download Paula Jones' original complaint. (It's all over the Internet.) Either she is the world's most accomplished and persistent liar, or there is something to her accusations.

Look at it this way. If you were accused of some outrageous act, were innocent, and wished to defend your good name, would you:

a) Deny everything, but delay the proceedings as long as possible


b) Deny everything, and want the proceedings to occur as soon as possible

Don't think too hard about that one.....

At this point, it doesn't look too good for the prez, but his big advantage is that he delayed things until his second term.

As an added bonus, we also have the strange case of Kelly Flinn. She was able to circumvent the Code of Military Justice, and trade a Court Martial for a General Discharge. Not too bad of a deal! She sort of admitted her wrongdoing, but her excuse was that other people were doing it, and, she was being "singled out." Of course, every person accused of any crime in history has been "singled out," if you consider the larger number who are never caught.

Here again were the implausible denials. She claimed not to know that loverboy was married, but spent an awful lot of time at his house, where there lived another woman. Hmmm....

Don't worry about Kelly. There will be a book deal, and the talk show circuit. Besides, she will always be defended by the feminists. You know the drill: She should be treated equally to the men (getting into the Air Force), except when she shouldn't be (avoiding a Court Martial).

We can feel pity for these people, whether completely or partially guilty. But, don't forget that where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

What's truly sad is that our moral standards have so eroded, that nobody seems to care about this kind of thing anymore.

Maybe we should feel more pity for today's youth, coming of age in a moral cesspool.


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