August 3, 1998



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We already know that US satellite companies have gone up to the line, maybe over it, in helping China perfect rockets that can carry nuclear warheads. Their apologists argue that through free trade we will build a Chinese middle class that will demand change. Political reform will follow economic reform.

But wait!

The US is changing--not China. By year's end, China will have run up $200 billion in total trade surpluses with America in the Clinton era.

Between 1992 and 1997, China's sales of footwear to the United States increased by $4 billion a year; South Korea's fell $1.3 billion. China's sales of toys and sporting goods soared $6 billion. Taiwan's fell by $700 million. China's sale of telecommunications parts and equipment rose $157 million. Japan's fell by that sum.

China's sale of parts for radio broadcast receivers rose $1.1 billion a year from 1992 to 1997, and Japan's, South Korea's and Taiwan's fell as much. The United States has shifted purchases away from friends and allies to people who behave like enemies. Why is a Republican Party that presided over America's victory in the Cold War endorsing a trade policy that favors Asian Communists over Asia's democrats?

Could it be campaign donations?


Den-Mat Corporation, manufacturer of Rembrandt Oral Care Products, believes that Consumer Reports has imparted false information to consumers in the August 1998 story "Which Toothpaste is Right for You" that states Rembrandt Dazzling White bleaching toothpaste does not whiten teeth.

Den-Mat does agree with the Consumer Reports article that whitening means actually lightening the color of teeth. Most whitening toothpastes claim to whiten but have only been proven to remove stain. A true whitening toothpaste, like Rembrandt Dazzling White, they say, goes beyond stain removal and actually lightens the color of the teeth.

So what'll it be? Whitening or lightening??

Thank goodness those watchdog organizations are out there protecting us peasants from wrongful tooth color expectations!


Some questions come to mind...

Where are the feminists? Should they be supporting Monica for being harassed or taken advantage of by Bill?

Where is Hillary, the icon? Isn't she "standing by her man," doing just what she ridiculed others about years ago?

How would Mr. Average American react if HIS daughter were portrayed in the media as having oral sex with the president? How would Bill react if Chelsea were to do such a thing?

Isn't Monica merely acting out every misogynistic stereotype? Carrying on a hopeless affair with a married man--and for what? At least prostitutes get paid. What's her excuse?

Have our standards been so lowered that we don't mind such carryings on in the country's highest office? For an administration that is so concerned about "the children," setting a moral example doesn't even register as an afterthought.

Am I the only one who notices these things?


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