September 22, 1997



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What a title. How can serial killer web pages and stork parking be related in any way?

First, some background. Recently, America Online removed web pages from its system, featuring essays and artwork by serial killers, including one who called his victims "garbage."

"Stork parking" is a new wrinkle, whereby shopping malls, and other retail outlets are providing reserved parking slots for expectant mothers and parents with infants. These special spaces are located adjacent to the spots now reserved for the physically disabled.

Who (but me) could object to either of these things?

Web pages from serial killers are completely repugnant, of course. Saying that, however, we must consider that there are thousands of potentially objectionable websites out there--some far more disgusting than the ones removed by AOL.

In fact, a company that sells software to keep kids and employees off the bad sites sent me a list of 2400 URL's currently identified, and that only covered the locations that began with the letter "C."

As always, what is objectionable to you, may be entertainment to me. If you don't like it, stay off. If you don't want your kids to see it, control your kids. These are the classical anti- censorship arguments. But, it goes deeper than that.

This whole business only came about because there was an active pressure group concerned about serial killer web sites. Will an Internet service provider have to bow to the demands of every single pressure group that appears? Where does it stop?

Now, turn to stork parking. What is so special about otherwise healthy pregnant women or stroller toting parents? Pregnancy is not a disability.

What about preferred parking at health clubs for people who get extra tired after their workout?

Why not allow closer in parking at the pizzeria for those how have to lug more than one box?

It's gets ridiculous without even trying hard, doesn't it?

I'm reminded of a woman interviewed on TV, some years back. In her younger days, she was part of a circus sideshow. You see, back then, she was a "freak." She complained bitterly about the do-gooders eliminating sideshows. That may have been great for her dignity, but how else was she supposed to make a living with her badly deformed body?

Maybe it's time for those who care so deeply, to worry more about the person in the mirror. Maybe they should just back off, before living a normal life becomes all but impossible.


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