December 10, 2001



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Do you realize that the US military effort in Afghanistan got a boost from a very unlikely source? In a stunning and delicious irony, the very forces that would tear down our country have been immeasurably helpful in our war effort. The Pentagon brass should send flowers to the crowned heads of the Information Mandarin Class--including the elite news media and network television.

Make no mistake. Being complete strangers to American society, our enemies were forced to judge our mettle second hand. Lucky for us, they believed exactly what was proffered. What they saw was a generation (at least) of weak, cowering men, controlled by overpowering females. The females use their sexuality only to sell products, or as a topic for oh-so-frank discussions that dominate daytime television.

Frustrated in their efforts to achieve sex, romance, or even love, despite buying all the products touted to help them score, our lowly males must be converting over to the gay life in prodigious numbers. Is there a TV series extant that doesn't feature a wonderful, happy, and sensitive homosexual male?

Then, of course, there is the anti-military posture that has existed since just after the Korean War. How many of our glorious war correspondents, who made their bones, not to mention their rise to fame and fortune, on radio during WWII (including everyone's favorite burned out Leftist creep, Walter Cronkite) did a strange about-face, just in time for the TV generation? And, how many of these same personalities toadied up to the late unlamented JFK, whose abuse of women, mendacity, and perverse leadership style were to be imitated, if not duplicated by another Democrat miscreant, from the other side of the tracks?

Yes, it was this impeached and discredited permanent insult to American history, who would bomb an aspirin factory, in a cynical and self-serving response to attacks on our embassies, that would convince bin Laden and company to forge ahead to the World Trade Center. Mark well where the Information Mandarin Class lined up regarding Bill Clinton.

Our enemies, or their older mentors, would watch as the United States was humbled by a ragtag band of revolutionaries in Tehran. This being the logical consequence of an all-out assault on Nixon, who was followed by the vacuous caretaker Ford, paving the way for that true American original Jimmy Carter.

Where else but in these United States could a moderately successful Georgia peanut farmer with crazy relatives start off as a segregationist state senator, and parlay that into the White House as a liberal Democrat? Yet, as bad as his presidency was, with its hostage crisis and record interest rates, it's nearly as bad to be subjected to him as an ex-president. Who among us, blessed with brains and hearts of flesh not mush, can bear the all too frequent annoying utterances from this overage flower child, who is trying desperately hard to become a latter day Ramsey Clark?

But we know, as al Qaeda and the Taliban now know, that this picture of America is not accurate. Oh yes, it is believed on many college campuses, and in the Leninist oligarchic strongholds of Hollywood, and most other media centers. Moreover, if you mitigate for the tribalistic Democratic voting patterns of minorities, abortion-crazed single women, and old-line trade unionists, you will see that the country is much more unified on basic issues, and far more conservative than the Information Mandarin Class would have us (and our enemies) believe.

Next time, Osama, try talk radio.


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