January 17, 2000



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There is absolutely nothing hated and feared by the Liberal establishment as much as a Black conservative.

Remember Clarence Thomas? The Left attacked him like a bunch of crazed dogs during his 1991 confirmation hearings. Even if everything their star witness, Anita Hill, had said were true, Thomas' worst crime was telling her a dirty joke!!

The reasons for this fear and loathing are pretty clear. A true conservative believes in less government, more self-reliance, and has a strong sense of morality. If these characteristics were to be represented in enough Blacks--the number one "Victim" group--a stake would be driven through the heart of essentially every plank of current Liberalism.

Remove victimhood, increase personal responsibility, and encourage traditional morality--such as families staying intact--and it would be "Game Over" for Liberals, the Democratic Party, much of the news media, and most of the so-called Black leadership. That's where B.O.N.D. comes in.

The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, founded by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson--a Black conservative--is a Los Angeles based group that has as its primary goal: "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man."

B.O.N.D. believes that the door to a new destiny is open to individuals who live by the principles of morality, forgiveness and self-reliance, and who strive to uphold family values.

As soon as you log onto B.O.N.D.'s website, you'll discover that Jesse Peterson is no shrinking violet. Check out these remarks:

"I have often heard Blacks say that they are the most forgiving race of people, that they forgave slavery, etc. Let me be plain - Blacks are not forgiving. They would not have spent the last forty years complaining, whimpering, whining and begging if they were forgiving. They would not be accusing whites of being racists and trying to hold them back if they were forgiving."

"A forgiving people have clarity of vision. A forgiving people would see that their so-called Black leaders are their enemies, not their friends. They would see that Bill Clinton is using them by throwing them bones (welfare, affirmative action) for his own personal gain. The President has carefully cultivated Black favor as he knows they form the backbone of his support. To show Blacks how much he 'cares', Clinton formed a 'Race Panel', apologized to Africa for American slavery and welcomed leftist Nelson Mandela to the U.S. as a hero, among other phony gestures. Bill Clinton knows that Black support is the only thing standing between his Presidency and the unemployment line, so he is now cultivating this support with more diligence than ever. Black leaders, of course, are only too happy to play along."

Peterson has little use for Jesse Jackson. In fact, he is calling for January 17, 2000 (Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.'s birthday) to be a "National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson."

"Jesse Jackson is nothing more than a racist demagogue," said Rev. Peterson. "The Decatur, Illinois football riot incident is just the latest example. He doesn't care at all about the thugs he is protecting, the other students at MacArthur High School, or the people of America -- black or white. We are calling on all Americans of goodwill to stand against racist demagogues of every color. If David Duke was saying and doing exactly what Jesse Jackson is saying and doing, America would be up in arms. Jesse Jackson is David Duke in black skin."

Here are some of B.O.N.D.'s services to the community:

Youth Meetings: Youngsters come together on a regular basis in a open forum to frankly discuss the various challenges in their lives. Their feelings, experiences and deepest fears are shared at these meetings.

Surrogate Brother's Work Ethic Program: Youngsters learn useful working skills, such as construction trades, while working on home building and remodeling projects under the supervision of professional contractors.

Entrepreneur Program: Weekly meetings are held for boys and girls which teach them step-by-step, how to start and run a business. These workshops feature different speakers, field trips to businesses, and one-on-one interviews with business owners themselves.

Unafraid to speak his mind, and unafraid to stand up to the Liberal elite, and all its fellow travelers, Rev. Peterson is a man after my own heart. More importantly, he's a man after God's own heart.

How good it is to know that there are still a few real leaders out there!!



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