Here, you will find software and firmware downloads that may be needed for your Interscan product.


GasD® 8000 Firmware Version 1.47  (6.55 MB)

GasD® 8000 Firmware Upgrade Field Instructions  (419 KB)




AccuSafe Control Unit Launcher software  (16.6 MB)

AccuSafe Sensor Unit Tester software  (30 MB)



Legacy Software

Arc-Max 2005 upgrade   [Copy into C:\IN2000 folder, over currently installed version]  (1.4 MB)

TruTrack (formerly Nomad) OmniLog Software Omni7 Version 7.2 build 111  (22 MB)

DOS software for legacy CX-5 equipped data logging products. This would include the 5000 Series dosimeters, the 7000 Series data logging portable analyzers, and the digital data recorders.